Friday, January 4, 2008

Wouldn't you know it

I was just looking back at my last post, and sure enough something terrible did happen the 13th. My baby was diagnosed with Failure to Thrive and my dr called CPS on me because of it. (apparently its "mandatory" when a baby is diagnosed with FTT, according to the CPS worker, but that is BOGUS!) Anyway since then baby JJ is doing better, he's up to 7 lbs 12 oz now which is great compared to the 6 lbs 4 oz on the 13th. BUT dr still thinks he has reflux, which is something that I can handle, at least I know now and have proof(I've documented his feedings for about 3 weeks) that its NOT because of mama feeding him. Still feeling overwhelmed though, because I've been sick and when I start to kick one thing the next thing takes over! Right now I have a head cold, cough, infected arm, and ear infection. YUCK! And we all know that ear infections make me incredibly dizzy! That off center of balance or whatever. Anyway I better get to bed, I have the families first lady coming tomorrow PLUS her supervisor so I've go to get some things cleaned up tomorrow before they come and I need my rest to do that! Thanks for listening! I need to try to blog more often than I am! I'll leave you with a picture of the quilt I made for a beautiful little German girl who was born in December. :)




The Mulleneaux Family said...

Love the quilt!! Hope you have a great weekend.

Dragonflymom said...

I love the quilt. You get some rest and take care.........I am sorry this happened to ya.