Monday, December 10, 2007

Feeling "Stuck"

Ok so JJ is now 2 months old. Wow that has gone fast. But his weight gain hasn't. And I'm feeling just a tad stuck in the middle right now, with him. He's this sweet little baby and I love him more than anything, but what I'm feeling stuck about is where he should be. He was born at 36 weeks, and because of this is considered a preemie, but because he had no health problems, not even jaundice, I feel really guily calling him that. I mean there are so many mommies out there that have preemies who are fighing for their lives and here I am with a healthy baby(aside from his low birth weight) and I'm in the same catagory? But yet he also doesn't fit in the same catagory as a full term baby either. He's not gaining weight like he should he's not smiling or cooing like a normal 2 month old baby would and I'm just feeling so stressed about everything. I WANT him to be normal, whether its a normal preemie or a normal FT baby, but he's not really. He's in a catagory all by himself and I wish I had someone to talk to about it to see how their 36 week old preemie is progressing or did progress. I've got too much stress on my plate! Anyway have a great night!


Michael M. said...


Our baby was born at 35 weeks after a fair amount of drama. However, he never spent a day in the NICU, never had jaundice and is and has been a super healthy baby. Like you, we feel quite fortunate about the outcome since so many don't end up so well.

I don't categorize him as a preeemie (what's the point?), he is categorized as our 7+ weeks old son and all eyes are looking forward, not backward.

Hope that helps a little and good luck.