Sunday, July 8, 2007

Its just a GRRRRR Day!

I am SO frustrated right now! Some how someone got ahold of my husband's credit card number and has charged over $120 on it! I'm not sure how they got his number, he rarely uses it for anything and never uses it online or over the phone. We are low on money right now due to buying the house and having to pay for both of the cars license tabs and getting new insurance that we had to put money towards..... I am going to scream! We got one of the companies where the card was charged to give us our money back but its still only a little over half, and to be honest, I need that money(it will take at least 2 buisness days to be back in our account though! GRR!) I am so tired of taking hits all the time, from every angle! AHHHHHHHHHH! We were told by our bank that we needed to file a police report and when the 2 officers got here they were very rude even told us that they could give us a ticket for Jason having parked in our grass, which he wouldn't have done if the jerk of a cop didn't pull up all the way(they got to our house RIGHT after we got home and Jason backed the Envoy up to the front door to make it easier to bring in the groceries!) They kept saying how tired they were of making reports like ours, but WTH? Its your job! And how do you think we feel, do you think we LIKE having someone steal money from us? um NO! OH!!!!! And to top it all off our water heater is leaking and we have to have someone come out here and repair it which will cost another $50(Thank GOD for the home warrenty though because other wise we'd have to pay a lot more) but they are dragging their feet telling us that its not an emergency, yadda yadda yadda, but when the paint on the opposite wall of where it is leaking from starts bubbling up and you poke it with a knife and water comes out, I'm sorry but HELL YES it is an emergency! I don't want to have to replaces walls and possibly floors due to the damage that it can cause! Last night they told us that they would have some one out here today, just have Jason call in the morning, and now they are trying to jerk us around saying that its not an emergency just shut your water off. Ok well what the heck am I supposed to do, I have 3 kids and NEED the water to be on, so therefore we do NEED you to come fix it! And now they are telling us that they may not get out here until Tuesday or Wednesday?!?!?! AHHHHHHHH!!!!! I am so fed up with people like this right now! AHHHHHH! Ok I just HAD to vent!