Thursday, October 25, 2007


OPPS I haven't posted on here in well over a month! Well JJ is here now! He was born 4 weeks early on Monday October 8th! He's a sweetie pie! I just typed up his birth story so here it is!

Ok let me start at the beginning... As you know, Jason is a truck driver. Well he had been off since the last weekend in August and was going to be leaving on Saturday 9/29 to go to Florida for a week. Well since he had been off so long his cousin who is his "helper"(they move furniture) had gotten another job and wasn't able to go with him. So Friday Jason begged me to go with, he was only going to be gone for 10 days and we'd be back for my next ob appointment. He was really nervous to drive that far by himself. SO I gave in and we all went with him... He unloaded his truck Monday 10/1 and Wednesday 10/3 and we were headed to his brothers house to visit them(one of the 2 reasons I agreed to go, we'd get to visit his brother and SIL). Well about 1 hr before we got to their house I went potty and had lost my mucous plug. I wasn't worried about it, I've lost them before weeks before I've had the babies. Anyway we finally get to their house and I stood up and I felt a little trickle down my leg(was wearing shorts). I thought I had just tinkled on myself as it wasn't a gush at all, and I really had to go(again!) So I went inside and went potty and my shorts were pretty wet. I was a little more than freaked by then. So I changed everything and went out to visit with my SIL and every couple of minutes I felt another trickle so after about 10 or 15 minutes I went to the bathroom again and my pants were soaked. So I changed once more and then went and told my SIL that I needed to go to the hospital.(I had been telling Jason, but he was really scared and didn't want to say anything to them... MEN!) So they took me in and sure enough my water had broken. Well the hospital that they took me to didn't have a L&D so I had to be taken to the next nearest hospital in an ambulance. While I was in the ambulance my blood pressure dropped to something like 60/40 and they had to rush and get an IV in. I guess JJ had been laying on my aorta. Well we finally get there and I told the dr my due date was 10/29 and I was 36 weeks 2 days. Well this dr didn't believe me and wanted to make sure so he called for my ultrasounds. The only one he got was my 3rd one from August and that had my due date as 11/08 so he said I'd have to wait a week and a day to have him. The next day I begged him to get my first ultrasound from April and to talk to my dr, I mean why would he go by my LMP if the u/s showed it that far off? Well he got that first one and said my due date should actually be 11/5, which was a week after my original due date, and only 3 days until I'd be able to have him. I was happier to hear that I'd only have to wait 3 days instead of 6. So After the most painful c section I've ever had Jason Allen, Jr was born @ 8:11 am on Monday, October 8th. 4 weeks early and 2 weeks before my scheduled c section. He weighed 5 lbs 4 oz and was 18.5 inches long. That week in the hospital was the longest week of my life! We came "home" to my BIL and SIL's house on Wednesday evening, and got home to Michigan on 10/18. Aside from the circumstances surrounding his birth, it was my easiest pregnancy AND recovery!

Here is a pic!


Anonymous said...

He is just so precious, I do thank the angels for his safe arrival and your recovery!!!

Congratulations to your whole family on having JJ join you!