Life has hit me pretty hard today. I am feeling so crappy about everything thats going on that I just want to run away. Got the papers today. Court date JUNE 1. Jason was supposed to be home June 3, so he wouldn't be home for it anyway. But now I find out he won't be home until June 20 or later if he keeps getting loads. If thats the case it will have been more than a month that he will have been gone. Plus I will have to pick out a house and do all the darned moving all by myself. I am SO angry right now. I think I have the right to be though. I mean I thought with the papers and all the other bills we have it couldn't get any worse. And now Jason won't be home, which is just as bad. That also means that he misses his son's 4th birthday. Please pray that this situation will all work out. Thanks so much!!!

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